
That Piiggy

dreaya :).
June 14th .
College .
18 .
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Sunday, January 23, 2011

My Complicate Life ♥

I didn't do a whole lot during the long winter break, and although it's wayyy late to update you guys about this, I guess I should just get it all out of my system because I have always wanted to blog about this~! Lol~ There's nothing really that happened to me; Timmy just up and went home after the New Years ended.  I was sort of disappointed because I was pretty lonely throughout the entire break (a month's worth).  I hardly had anyone to talk to, and when I do, it's not really someone I'm so excited to meet.  But that's what family is for.  They're there for you, no matter what.  So, I mainly talked to my brother, Tsukasa.

But it really didn't occur to me until this.

There are certain lines that my brother doesn't really want to cross, especially when it comes down to his friends.

I'm okay with his friends; just that they can be really annoying and stupid at times =___=" For Gosh sake...P.Pan and Jinnie are part of his circus caravan too.

And I really have no comment on Jinnie's stalk-ish, eerily creepy ways before and during Break:

1. Pressuring me to call him up (like we're going out; but psh~! That really freaked me out because he was being very DESPERATE!)

2. Texting me non-stop EVEN when I was vigorously studying for college Finals =__=" (It was sooo annoying, I began ignoring him).

3. He snuck into my house in the middle of the night o___o

YUP... That freaking guy snuck into my house in the middle of the freaking night...scaring the LIVING HELL out of me~! Guess who let him in? Yahh... MY STUPID BROTHER! I mean, gosh...my own brother actually gave the guy permission to sneak into the house =___=" I closed the door on him and went to sleep.

Of course, not until after staring at my bedroom door, cursing that if he even thinks of OPENING that freaking door...I was going to kick the living SOUL out of him :P Ah gosh...

Heard his phone broke.... One word for you: GOOD~! Thank God. Maybe he forgot my number (and maybe not).

Maybe it's Karma.

For freaking a girl out.

I'm scarred already.  Don't need to scar me any more =___=


Three dramas~!

Yeah, I couldn't believe it also~! dreaya actually had time to watch movies during the longggg Break, because she could actually sit down and NOT study XD

I passed Biology with an 85 =__=" Depressing--but hey, it's better than not passing at all (depressing, because I actually wanted at least a 90... Off by 5 points!).

Anyways XD Three dramas! I watched and finished 3 dang dramas :3 1) Akai Ito (Japanese) 2) The Great Inheritance (Korean) 3) Hi My Sweetheart (Taiwanese) I guess since I don't really have time to elaborate on them now or to even summarize them...I'll tell you guys all about it another time (and hopefully, soon~!). But hey, if you wanna watch them, look them up on Youtube, I guess O__O

New Year Resolution~!

Again...late but hey, at least I'm telling you mine :3

1. Get AWESOME grades :D (How Asian is that?)

2. Lose weight (wahhh~! Why, dreaya? Why? -- I need to slim down more :P)

3. Get a new haircut :D (Whyyy~? My hair's getting too long and plain :P BORING~!)

....so, yahhh~

And what to know something?

It's weird...but I thought a lot over the Break since I didn't have a whole lot of people to talk to, you know? If you get that you know what I'm talking about, then, I guess we're good :3 But really :O It's just that I had no one really to talk to at times, so it's that feeling you get when you're lonely--that causes you to think about things that's already happened and how hurtful they were and since the new year was already happening, of course--you're going to think about what has happened in the year of 2010...and all the things that's hurt you or all the bad things/events that you wished that's never happened...you know? That gives you motivation, an inspiration sorta...to make your life a better life...and well, to make it a less painful year.

I thought about Yu Da and how much He hurt me.  Although it doesn't really hurt as much as it used to, it's still a huge impact on me and my life, the way I now view things.

1. Never will I so boldly work hard to earn another's love or feelings of affection again.

-Why? I mean, if He doesn't appreciate you for who you are deep inside or grateful in the least sense...then, let me tell you something: "Forget him." Forget? Yes, forget. Not "forget" like how you should erase him entirely from your memories.  He still lives there, but learn something from the experience and move on. Don't dwell too long on him. I swore that I'll never do that again for sure.

2. Say "no" once in a while, and say it as FIRMLY as possible.

-Sure, it takes guts to say that one SIMPLE word.  And believe me, if you don't learn how to stand up for yourself, you're going to be taken advantage of by other selfish-butt-licking people :P You're going to be used and tossed away, you're going to be tricked and betrayed, you're going to be...HURT.  And it's not worth it. You should know it, and I know it.  Because being betrayed by your friend or someone you care for...can hurt like HELL.

3. If you're not accepted by others for who you are, then SCREW IT.

-I swear...as a kid growing up, it's not easy being discriminated by even your own people, your own peers; because you're not wearing make-up, because you're not wearing designer brands, because you don't drink, because you don't party... I've been pretty much standing out because I just don't think like them =__=" Not to be bragging, but I guess it's because I was just too "smart" for them because sometimes, they complain that I use "big" words, that I'm "too good", that I'm just simply "too smart", really. *sighs* I only came to realize that I should give up, trying to be friends with everyone.  If they don't accept you, talk to you, just because you're "different", then SCREW IT :P You're better than them anyways, if they can't accept you for something like that =___="




My World My Life

4:08 PM